Let me set this up....... Tuesday night, at the dinner table. Haille had wolfed down her food because her friend, Sophie, was waiting for her outside. Trentin, on the other hand, takes his sweet time eating. He takes one bite, talks and talks and talks, until I remind him to eat. He takes another bite, and continues talking..... repeat. Takes forever for him to finish a meal. In the meantime, Jason walks in from work, grabs a plate & sits down......

JASON: Where's Haille?

TRENTIN: She ran away.

JASON: She ran away?!? (looks at me like huh??)

TRENTIN: Yup, and it's a darn shame.

ME: laughing.... hysterically laughing

This is just a little example of Trentin's personality. He can make me laugh until I have tears running down my cheeks. And the best part of it is, he doesn't even realize how funny he is until everyone cracks up. Probably doesn't sound too funny in a blog post, but those that know him well, know exactly what I'm talking about.

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