While having lunch with Tiff today, we were laughing about how funny Trentin can be, and all the funny things he comes up with out of the blue. I told her I need to start writing these stories down because it just captures his unique personality, and I'll remember the funny stories to tell him as he gets older. There are quite a few, but here's the one that had us laughing today:

I pick up the kids from the babysitter and ask my usual questions "how was your day?" and "what did you learn at school?" you know, just standard everyday conversation.

Haille: Logan got in trouble today, mom.

Me: Oh yeah? What did he do?

Haille: He said the "B" word and got in trouble.

Me: The "B" word, huh?

Trentin: (from the back seat) Can I say it, mom?

Me: Say what?

Trentin: Bitch, mom, he said BITCH!!!

Me: (couging to hide my giggling) Kids shouldn't talk like that. It's not appropriate.

Trentin: Is it against the law, mom?

Me: (still coughing/giggling) No, it's not against the law, it's just not nice language.

Trentin: Whew!! Then I don't have to go to jail!!!

Me: Outburst laughter

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