Axten is already two months old!! I wish time would slow down alittle!! At his check-up, he is up to 15 lbs 15 oz and is 24 1/2 inches long!! Goodness!! As the doctor said, he's not underfed, is he??? The doctor said he's 3/4 of a pound overweight, but it's alright. Plus, I love the little rolls on his legs!! He's just got a hefty appetite, so we've introduced some juice as a snack, to hold him in-between feedings. He loves it!! I could tell he was going through a growth spurt, because for awhile there, he was waking up hungry during the night, which was out of his normal routine. I had to break this habit before I go back to work at the end of this month, so to get him back sleeping through the night, I keep him awake from about 4:00 pm until he goes to bed around 9:30 pm. At first it was a challenge, because he gets cranky when he's tired (just like his mommy, according to his daddy) but now, he's used to it, so it's alot easier to keep him awake. He'll sleep until after 7 am!! It worked!!
In this picture, he looks just like Haille as a baby!!
His smile absolutely melts my heart!!!
He loves his swing........
.....and his bumbo chair!!
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