My First Day

Well, today was my first day back at work. I have been off for 13 weeks, and I can't even begin to say how fast it went, but I knew it would be over eventually. Last week, I was so sad when I thought about not being with Axten all day, and I cherished every moment with him. I finally had a good cry on Sunday night, trying to get it out of my system. We had a talk. I told him how much I would miss him, and I would be thinking about him all day long, and it would only be a few hours and I would be home again. So waking up Monday was hard, but I was okay, up until the time I had to kiss him good-bye, then the flood gates opened up again. I tried to compose myself by the time I got to work, but when I pulled into the parking garage, I remembered the last time I was there, Axten was in my belly. Again, I was incredibly sad and it sounds weird, but it was such a lonely feeling. I sat down at my desk, and started going through my 1,100 emails (lots were junk mail, thank goodness!) which brought me to lunchtime, then I had to call to see if he was okay. I knew he would be because he was home with Daddy. You would think that I should be used to leaving my kids all day, but I don't think it gets easier no matter how many kids I have, no matter how many times I've had that first day away. But I made it, as I have before, and pretty soon I will be used to my work schedule again. I'm still hoping to hit the PowerBall though!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...tyres, you made me cry~ (still, even when our grow-up baby are sad it hurts).
Knowily how this adjustment is tugging at your heart there is nothing anyone can or should say to make it easier- It is your mommy right to cry all you want, hug all you need, call whenever you feel like it and have more pictures than work on your desk!
...just remember hon, you ARE "MOMMY" no matter where you are! ..they too are counting the few hours til kisses!
